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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy :

At VeekEnd Store, we always ensure your safety and  your personal data. Using of our website you are redirected to affiliated websites and tools so we are not responsible by their privacy policy.

Information We Collect:

Individual Information: When you contact us, we store your message or email if required only for security and service purpose, 


We don't use any cookies , yes if you visit affiliated sites or click on ads they may collect cookies regarding their privacy policy purpose.

How We Use Your Information:

-Communication: We may use your info for communication purpose only , we don't sell any data or information of our client to other companies.

-Improvement: We  can examine user data to update our website for improvement.

-Security: We stay aware of your data to ensure the security of our site and client information.

Affiliate Programs: 

Clicking on our affiliate links redirects you to Amazon and others top rated websites, which collects data as per their privacy policy.

Data Usage

Affiliate Marketing: We earn commissions through affiliate links under the affiliate Program without any penny deduction from your pocket. .

Your Choice:

If any product which you don't want to add, you can email us for remove this from our site, we can remove if its against any privacy or law of use.

Children's Privacy and Content:

Our website is not offering any sexual items so you can free feel for visit with your family.

Changes to Security Policy:

 We will inform you through our website of social media if any security policy may changes.

If you have any complain regarding any privacy terms, feel free to contact with us.

Email: privacy@veekendstore.Com

Your protection is matter to us, and we are focused on protective your records.

Have a shopping experiences at Veekend Store.

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